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Recensements de Soldats / Soldiers Data Base

Page dédiée aux soldats américains ayant laissé une trace de leur passage

                    dans la zone de Gondrecourt Le Château et environs.

        ( Graffitis / Objets perdus / Photos / Histoires locales … )


If you see the name of your ancestor, you can contact us
                to have more informations about.


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- Corp. Charles F. WOLF , Troop A  3rd Cavalry , Cincinnati, Ohio

- Pvt. Franck A. SMYDA , Troop G 3rd Cavalry , Toledo, Ohio




- Pfc. August IMBERT, Co. B 16th Infantry , Omaha, Nebraska


- Sgt. Loys L. HOTCHKISS , HQ Co 18th Infantry , Kirksville , Missouri


- Pfc. Daniel W. ALLRED , Co. C 26th Infantry, Randleman, North Carolina


-Corp. Frank A. TURCOTTE , Co. E & Supply Co. 103rd Infantry , Skowhegan , Maine


- Pvt. Dwight E. ROBERTSON , MG Company 124th Infantry , Browning, Illinois


- Pvt. Walter H. MOSER , 121st MG Bn puis M.G. Co 128th Infantry, La Crosse, Wisconsin


- Pfc. Eugene R. KOLLEY , Co. G 138th Infantry , Saint Louis, Missouri


- Lt. James A. DAVIS, 148th Infantry , Constantia, New York


- Pvt. James J. CARNEY ,  162nd Infantry / 1st Corps School , New York


- Corp. George J. TOBIN , Co. D 163rd Infantry puis C.O.D. , Lancaster, Ohio

- Pfc. Joseph A. KOSTOHRIS , Co. K 163rd Infantry, Danvers, Montana


- Pvt. Dolph PATTERSON , HQ Co. 164th Infantry, Salem, Oregon

- Pvt. Henry D. BEAN , HQ Co. 164th Infantry, Richfield, Utah
- Pvt. Fat DODGE , Co. A 164th Infantry , Mosinee, Wisconsin

- Sgt. Ole D. JENSEN , Co. A 164th Infantry , Van Wert, Iowa / Nebraska

- Corp. Percy M. PETTIT , Co. B 164th Infantry , Fargo, South Dakota

- Corp. Felix B. SANTANA , Co. B 164th Infantry , Brooklyn, New York

- Pvt. James WARD , Co. B 164th Infantry puis Motor Transport Corps, Cleveland, Ohio

- Pvt. Eddy P. BEIERS , Co. C 164th Infantry, San Bernardino, California
- Pvt. John L. STROPPEL , 1st Division / Co. C 164th Infantry , New York
- Pvt. Charles W. GRIFFIN , Co. D 164th Infantry , Penbroke, Kentucky

- Pfc. William M. REX , Co. D 164th Infantry , Easton, Pennsylvania
- Pvt. Walter F. HOBERT , Co. H 164th Infantry , Spiritwood, North Dakota

- Musc. Joseph H. LOEHRLEIN , HQ Co. 335th Infantry , Evanston, Indiana

- Musc. Irl McQUITA , 335th Infantry , Commiskey, Indiana


- Pvt. Dick H. STEMPEL , Co. G 352nd Infantry , Cherokee, Iowa

- Pvt. Joe JACKSON , MG Company 352nd Infantry , Novinger, Missouri

- Pvt. James E. McCABE , MG Company 352nd Infantry , Sabula, Iowa


- Corp. Thomas CULL , Co. B  364th Infantry , Isle of Man England




- Field Clerk Roy VAN DER KLOK , Engineers , Grand Rapids, Michigan


- Pvt. Howard E. CHAPMAN , Co. A 14th Engineers , Saugus, Massachusetts

- Pvt. Thomas F. PARDUE , Co. C 14th Engineers, Portland, Maine


- Pfc. Jacob C. BOTH , Co. G 21st Engineers, Paterson, New Jersey

- Pvt. Fred SELLER , Co. N 21st Engineers , Saint James, Minnesota


- Pvt. Hubert W. WALKER , HQ Detachment 22nd Engineers , Madisonville, Kentucky
- Pvt. Ole J. RAFSHOLL , Co. B 22nd Engineers , Mahall, North Dakota


- Sgt. Irvin M. HAYES , Co. A 116th Engineers , Portland, Oregon

- Sgt. Ernest W. LEWIS , Co. D 116th Engineers , Middleton, Idaho

- Pvt. Clarence GARETS , Co. E 116th Engineers , Camp Point, Illinois


- Pvt. Jesse ODOM , Co. ? 528th Engineers , unknown, Alabama

- Pvt. Willie COLLINS , Co. c 528th Engineers , Ararat, Alabama




- Pvt. George W. HORN, Ambulance Co. 316 , 304th Sanitary Train , Glenarm, Maryland

- Pvt. Oscar L. WHITE , Ambulance Co 328 , 307th Sanitary Train , Tatesville, Tennesse


- Pvt. Harry A. GAULT , Base Hospital 61 , Maryville, Pennsylvania





- 2nd Lt. William M. JACKSON , 6th Field Artillery , Jackson Hanover, Indiana

- Pvt. Wendell C. KOHL , 1st Battery Training Battalion , 7th Field Artillery , New York


- Pvt. Ernst J. HOFFMAN , 104th Field Artillery , Algoma, Wisconsin


- Pvt. Felix Edward PETERS , Battery B 121st Field Artillery , Green Bay, Wisconsin


- Pfc. Harold H. PENCE , Battery F 130th Field Artillery, Wichita, Kansas


- 2nd Lt Robert W. GILBERTSON , HQ Co. 147th Field Artillery , Sioux Falls, South Dakota
- Pvt. Victor LAVILETTA , HQ Co. 147th Field Artillery , Talmage, California

- Pvt. Carl HOKANSON , Battery D 147th Field Artillery , Sioux Falls, South Dakota
- Pvt. Sivert MOEN , Battery D 147th Field Artillery, Centerville, South Dakota
- Pvt. Morris IDE , Battery E 147th Field Artillery , Scotland, South Dakota




- Sgt. Corey K. COCKSTILL , Co 11 , 1st Motor Mechanics , Columbus, Ohio


- Pfc. Henry H. ROHWEDER , Co. A 313th Field Signal Battalion, Preston, Iowa

- Pvt. Andrew JANCZAK , Co. C 313th Field Signal Battalion , Chicago, Illinois

- Sgt. 1st Class August J. BEILER , 27th Aero Squadron , Lafayette, Indiana


- Pvt. Carl J. RICHARDSON , 12th Aero Squadron, Cecil, Springfield, Ohio

- Chauff. 1st Class Guy W. EPPERLY , 12th Aero Squadron , Placer, Oregon


- Pfc. Edgar H. ADAMS , 50th Aero Squadron , Dover, Delaware


- Pvt. Jacob L. BUCKALEW , 73rd Aero Squadron , South Amboy, New Jersey


- Pfc. Troy E. WAITS , 91st Aero Squadron , Denison, Texas
- Pvt. William L. DUNN , 91st Aero Squadron , Castonia, North Carolina


- Chauff. 1st Class Melvin L. BECKER , 96th Aero Squadron , Pleasant Plains, Illinois
- Pvt. William K. MOLDOVER , 96th Aero Squadron , New York

- Pvt. Wayne J. BOYLE , 135th Aero Squadron , Canyonville, Oregon

- Sgt. Edward J. BRADY , 147th Aero Squadron , Hartford, Connecticut


- Pfc. Adlai V. ANDERSON, 155th Aero Squadron , Camden, New Jersey

- Pvt. Ralph A. MOORE , 163rd Aero Squadron , Days Creek, Oregon


- Sgt. 1st Class John W. WALLACE , 463rd Aero Squadron , College Hill, Pennsylvania


- 2nd Lt Clarence HEER , Air Service / QMC , Rochester, New York



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